Todd's appeal for others to join in the "My Friday" Movement. Has caused me to ponder scatalogical humor for the past 36 hours. So warped by the concept was I, that this morning during my morning respite on my porcelin thone I wondered how to best report my Friday movement. My better angels prevailed and I shall spare you a report.
Instead, enjoy don't eat poop, a service of the Internation Food Saftey Network, sponsored by Kansas State University.
This is awesome. Glad you posted!
because poop is protected by the First Amendment:
Isn't it great that there's comment activity on a post you wrote as a joke?
See...that's why you are a good blogger.
Adrienne....what did YOU do on Friday?
I'm best served by the link "Don't Eat Poop". It's something I've been trying to avoid and this really helps.
Oh this is too funny. Job well done!
My Friday Movement was the result of some poorly-prepared hamburger meat.
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