
New reference book

I just counted.  I have 23 different translations/paraphrases of the Bible.  This doesn't count the four versions on my phone.  I'm talking, printed, hold in your hand, spill stuff and mess up the pages (excluding my water proof Bible).  I came to this realization as I found myself again using the Biblical Cyclopedic Index.  What's that you ask? “With more listings than any other Bible resource available, the Biblical Cyclopedic Index helps readers quickly pull together a thorough and comprehensive Bible study, lesson, or sermon. Completely unique, The Biblical Cyclopedic Index combines the features of a concordance, a topical Bible, and a Bible dictionary. It is a special kind of subject index that combines the best features of a concordance and a topical index.”  These are the words that the publisher uses to describe the new edition of Nelson’s Biblical Cyclopedic Index, and it’s a description that I fully agree with. So I counted my reference volumes, 13. There are features I like about this little volume, including but not limited to… compact, lightweight, in-depth, and clear legible text. I also appreciate the word studies peppered in the volume. This index is a book that I would now consider a must have for all who are committed readers of the Bible.  Worth the money (even though I got mine free for this review through booksneeze).

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